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In Louisiana

Asma Hamid

I'm the anon that stalks on you. I'm the anon that insults you. I'm the anon that gives you crappy advice. I'm the anon that you fight with. I'm the anon that talks true shits. And I'm the anon that you didn't know.

absoluteloud-ness: 2006-2008
iztele: 2009

BTW, just because the layout is pink, it doesn't mean I like pink.
30 May 2010
World's Milk Day
9:22 PM 0 Comments

I am really sleepy right now but I have to stay up to finish reading stuff for tomorrow's exam. This is the only way that will keep me awake (other than slapping myself).

I can describe today with one word but that wouldn't be as epic as one whole writing.

Today I went to World's Milk Day in Pavillion. I got to SMK SECT5 at 7 in the morning, greeting every scout in front of me. It was great to be back. Back where I'm suppose to be. The bus then came and we took off to Pavillion. Kat sat next to me, as usual. Once we arrived, everyone was downright giddy, we even sang a song while crossing the road which got a fake disapproval from Kak Ash. We got our food, sat and ate it all up... it was bread. Anyway, we then had to wait and suddenly we saw people with stickers. You know, those stickers with numbers on them.

After we stuck the stickers on our scout uniform, we started Scouting. Haha. We sang some songs, clap some claps and fun some funs. Which was wickedly awesome. Everyone then had to get into lines so we could start the whole thing. I would be lying if I say that my butt didn't hurt because WHOAH, it did. Countdown started and poof.. we were in Malaysia's Book of Records. We all went to the side to take pictures... and I saw a certain King Scout *wink wink*. Everyone were asking about Radio Amateur and I was like Baby, baby, baby, chill. They are so eager, I can't wait seeing them torture a month or two before the exams. ^^

We then went back to the place where we gathered when we arrived and started singing more songs. We did the Mexican Ale(Wave) and it was CAUGHT ON CAMERA. (Trying to be epic here) 'Bapa ayam' and the 'anak ayams' wanted to go into Pavillion but unfortunately, the bus was already waiting.

Syuk then told the bus driver to stop right in front of Carrefour. We jumped out and went to McDonald's to spend the RM10 voucher we all got from Dutch Lady. We ate at the food court, with about 8 tables combined. We talked, we chatted and in the end we walked back to school.

Thank you to Abg Udy, Kak Mee, Kak Ash, Kat, Syuk, Aniq, Ashekeen, Aliff, Kak Balqis, Alya, Shamira, Amir, Wissal and Anep for a DOWN-RIGHT WICKED DAY. :)

25 May 2010
9:24 PM 0 Comments

I miss you. :(

17 May 2010
If you dont wanna eat loads
11:20 PM 0 Comments

Start eating less.

First week, you're gonna get hungry and your tummy might grumble a lot but just ignore them.
Second week, your tummy might grumble but you're not gonna be that hungry
Third week, you'd start getting used to it so don't just suddenly eat loads if not you'll have to start again.
Fourth week, you'd feel normal when you eat a bit.
Fifth week and so on, if you eat loads your tummy is gonna hurt like shit.

10 May 2010
6:28 PM 0 Comments

Sometimes I just want to lock myself in an air-conditioned room with soft cushions and billions of books because I couldn't stand life right now. And I want to go in there and study or at least read because I feel so guilty doing nothing. Throwing my life to waste.

I have been a little brat since I was small. I once cried because I couldn't go to a swimming pool and that was only because we had to rush back home for something. I once cried because my mum told me off and my dad wasn't there to back me up. You know how much of a brat I was when I was small? And you wanna know something, I haven't changed that much.

When I was in Year 6, I had to do my UPSR. I told my dad that I wanted a DSLR. I still remember him telling me to promise that I would take care of it. But look at it now. My flash is broken and my lens' mount is broken too. And you know what's worse? They guy said that I dropped it and I COULDN'T EVEN REMEMBER DROPPING IT. And I swear to God I feel so flipping guilty right now. Probably to my camera but more to my dad. He worked so hard to get me a camera and I go around throwing it everywhere. And I know my dad is pissed at me but he's not yelling at me. And that's adding the guiltiness in me.

Then that leads me to how much I'm disappointing my mum and my dad. They have given me everything I have asked for and I am here, disappointing them. For example, last year my dad bought me new shoes and he told me that if I didn't pass my RAE, he would take my shoes back. Then after I've passed my RAE, I asked him if we could go to Singapore. HOW SELFISH COULD I BE? I mean, he gave me shoes FGS.. and I was still asking for more.

And right now.. My parents are probably pissed at me, my sister is probably pissed at me, some random girl is probably pissed at me, some random guy is probably pissed at me and I am really pissed at myself.

And you wanna know how pathetic I am? While all of this is happening, I am sitting here and blogging while I can go out there and make a change. For a start, I could say sorry to my dad.. then probably to my camera. But am I doing that? No.

So now, can I go into that room?
Hint hint, library.

05 May 2010
Really bad
7:05 PM 0 Comments

Have you ever gotten a really bad headache because you're worrying about something? And then when you have that headache, your tummy starts to ache. And then, you'll feel like puking? It's happening to me right this instant.

So here's my story.
I wanted to change class. I asked the teacher in charge. He said no. I said okay but later on, if I could go in, please let me. He said okay but try to live with it for now. After I asked, I went to class and I was like why did I ever thought about moving. And now, I'm worried that he might change me which I doubt he will. But I'm still worrying.


I read loads of Alam-Nashrah already because long time ago, when my tudung was retarded, mum would usually tell me to read it. Then when I'm searching for something, she would tell me to read it. So basically... I'm gonna read some more.


4:32 PM 0 Comments

I miss Qamaryna, Jehan and Hana.

Remember when we used to eat together?
Remember when we used to go to the place Jehan was because she was a prefect and we couldn't go around together?
Remember when we used to go to each other's house after Co-curriculum?
Remember when we went to 7Eleven together?
Remember when we sat around reading Boogly?
Remember when we used to have turns for Boogly?
Remember when we used to say bye to each other every time we go home?

Yes... I miss those times... I miss my friends.

Now, Qamaryna's gone.
Hana is always ditching and Jehan is always hanging out with her other friends.
And me? I found new friends. I have new classmates.
But I can't ignore the fact that I still miss them. :(